Educ 560

  • Drive

This tool is very practical and simple to use. I really like it because I no longer will need to carry a Flash Memory Drive and panic about losing it, however I can now access my storage and media anytime anywhere through google drive. 

  • Forms

The form tool is amazing to work with, so easy and less time consuming. Now I can plan a quiz, or jot down a questioner and get my feedback and replies as fast as possible. The forms tool saves lots of time and effort , and is accurate. 

  • Webinar

Being able to attend a webinar online and at home was very exciting to hear about. I am thrilled with all the people we get to meet through this opportunity, and all the new information we get to learn and know about, through easy access. 

  • Blogger

Via blogger, I am now able to blog about all my experiences, and school work. I have the opportunity to share things about my pre teaching journey, all that I know, and yet to know. I will be sharing my latest projects, assignments, and many more. A very nice way to share and expose educational work. 

  • Padlet

Today we did something cute. We wrote a thank you note on Padlet to the teacher or teachers that most inspired us. 
This tool is very beneficial for us teachers later on. We can use it in many different activities.Students will be able to check their work and reflect on it, and on their peers work as well. They can give comments, advice, opinions and many more. 

  • Scientific Poster

Through a scientific poster we are able to display a research our a study in a clear and simple way. Using a poster we can make simple connections to a certain concept, and help our audience have a quick look on the connections among different ideas. It is very useful in a classroom, so that students get to see things in a more practical and simple way. 

  • Web Quest 

A web quest is a very neat tool to create activities for students and even others to work on in a new way through using the PC, an I pad or even your phone. You can display ample of ideas, activities and even display projects and personal experiences to share with other. A lovely way to use technology through with our nowadays generation. 

  • Rubistar 

Rubistar is a wonderful website, it helps us teachers design different rubrics in a variety of ways, and so much little time. It doesn't require much effort yet pretty accurate. It tackles all skills that one might be testing. 

1 comment:

  1. There is no doubt that these apps facilitated teachers' work and helped in creating lively and dynamic lessons. And as time passing by, they are becoming essential tools in education day after day.
