
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time".  Leo Tolstoy

Throughout our life, we learn everyday, every minute and every second. It's crazy when we think of the fact that, life is a school by it self, our days, our moments, our good times and bad; all teach us and all help us grow. 

Through quotes we find words that express our thoughts and meanings. Thoughts that we only keep in our minds and hearts, thoughts that we find hard to express our selves, and sometimes thoughts and feelings we cannot find the words to describe it with. 

That is why I would love to share my favorite quotes, those that touch me deeply, some are part of my philosophy in life, and some describe my career journey that is yet to begin.

Hope you enjoy them! 

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" They told me I couldn't, so I did." ~Unknown

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" Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding." ~ Robert John Meehan 

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"The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other. Without collaboration our growth is limited to own own perspective." Robert John Meehan 

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"When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it'sour job to share our calm, not to join their chaos. ~l.e knost

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"Teachers who put relationships first don't have students for one year; they have students who view them as their 'their' teacher for life." ~ Educator Justin Tarte

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" If you don't look back on yourself and think, 'Wow how stupid I was a year ago,' then you must not have learned much in the last year. ~ Ray Dalle

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"Strive for progress, NOT perfection." ~Unknown

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  1. Every child is a unique individual, that is why I totally agree with the quote that you posted. Every child needs a different method, since he has a specific pace and learning style. Teachers should set their achievements as the main goal while planning to teach.

  2. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do wish you all the best dear amal.

  3. Wow I can see a variety of quotes here that I can't choose which one to reflect on!! I liked that fact that you focused a lot on living life as it is and taking chances to make the best out of it. One quote that moved me is " When one teaches, two learn". This is something I'm experiencing with my students because I'm learning a lot about teaching, related themes, and from them!!
