Monday, April 9, 2018

My Graduation!

My graduation day was one of the best if not only days in my life. Standing on the stadium wearing your gown is a priceless moment. You feel like your holding the world in one hand. You've reached it, you achieved your goal. All the sleepless nights, and effort is actually paid off. You're proud of your self. Everyone is there watching you, your family, your instructors and of course your peers whom you shared all the good and bad times with. 

Something I will always recall, is something the Dean of Education of the Lebanese International University, 'Dr. Anwar Kawtharani' told me as we were waiting to get up on the stadium. He saw me nervous, he said: are you nervous? I said: yes!
He said: "Don't be! Enjoy every moment of it. When you're up there be proud, and watch each and everyone out there looking at you, the successful you. This moment will never come back, nothing will replace its pleasure, enjoy every bit of it." And I did. And boy it WAS Amazing! 

I would love to share some of the beautiful memories. Pictures that always remind us of the moments we most enjoyed and return that feeling that is rare to feel every now and then. 

1 comment:

  1. The importance of the "Graduation ceremony. It is a much revered ritual in educational institutions everywhere... For high school students,For university, graduation is the beginning of their journey to self-discovery as they unravel what it is that they really want out of life.
