Tuesday, April 10, 2018

My Unit

In an Advanced Methods course, we were required to design a unit plan, in which we are to design 8-10 English Lessons, that cover all four skills, that are reading, writing, speaking and listening. 

Miss Rasha Halat, our instructor gave us the choice to chose the theme we like to design our unit about. 
I chose Entertainment, for a Grade 5 English classroom. My Unit as well was one of the best projects to work on. I am very proud of what I have done in it.
It contains a variety of reading materials, and different ways of doing things, like emphasizing language usage in everyday life. I think the theme is something we live daily, and linking learning to real life is starting to be the case nowadays in which we make learning more dynamic and authentic to the learner. 

The lessons give space to the leaner to think, to create to activate their prior knowledge. It is beneficial yet fun at the same time. 
It is a great opportunity for us to have the chance and design a unit that contains lessons of our own, this prepares us for our later teachings, and helps us build a repertoire of activities and games and lessons that we can always use, plus it is a base for us to always create what fits our learners needs. 

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