Tuesday, April 10, 2018

My Profile

My Portfolio's are my two significant projects. My senior projects, that cover all that I have acquired and practiced through out my undergraduate studies. Moreover, I am able to gather all of my work, from observations, to research papers and case studies that I have worked on, to other educational experiences in one place, which is my Portfolio.

My Portfolio, is my biggest project and most hard one, however the fruit was sweet at the end. After all the effort and work, I was proud to hold it in my hands and call it mine. My journey and my experiences are in here to share. 

I designed both of them, I chose to name them under educational quotes that reflect my philosophy of teaching and what each one of them included. The first one, which is the pink one with the apple on was Portfolio A. The quote on it by Robert John Meehan, it says: "We didn't go into teaching to get rich, but to enrich others." The reason I chose this quote was first that most of my work inside highlighted the importance of the role of teacher in the classroom, and how we can always be better and update our knowledge. Moreover, I felt that it described my teaching philosophy. 

My second portfolio which is the blue one with the heart shape was Portfolio B. The quote by Robert John Meehan as well was: "Your life as a teacher begins the day you realize that you are always a learner." After gaining more experience, I have discovered that we never stop learning. We learn everyday, every minute, we learn from those with great experience, and we learn from our youngest pupils as well.  The hidden message behind it is that always strive to learn, and be open. 

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